Wednesday, September 30, 2015

a.What is server?
Ans: A server is a powerful computer that provides services to different workstation.

b.What is workstation?
Ans: A workstation is a computer where a user can work.

c.What is repeater?
Ans: A repeater is a device of a network that generates a signal and converts a weak into a strong signal and sends to computer.

d.What is NOS?
Ans: A Network Operating System is a group of programs which manages the resources on the network.

e.What is protocols?
Ans:Protocols is rules to send and receive data in a network environment.

f.What is computer network ?
Ans: A computer network is a group of computers that  are connected together to share information,data,software and hardware in high speed .

g.List any four advantages of computer network.
Ans :The four advantages of computer network are

  • Computer network make communication between different users easier.
  • computer network allow user to share data and software at the same time
  • different network users can share peripheral devices such as printer ,scanners,CD,Drives etc.
  • It is easy for users to backup important data and information.
h.What is LAN?
Ans:LAN is a network system that covers a very small area.

i.What is MAN ?
Ans:A network within a town or city to share data information and other resources is called MAN

j.What is WAN?
Ans:WAN is a network system which connects two or more networks or two different computers
connected in a large geographical area.

k.What is communication?
Ans:Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one device to another using communicating devices.
l.What is telecommunication?
Ans: Telecommunication is the technology of sending messages over a long distance using electronic devices.

m.Give  the example of telecommunication.
Ans: The example of telecommunication are telephone ,cellphone ,radio,television,computer network etc.

n.What is information?
Ans:The output or result given by the computer after processing the data is called information.

o.What is NIC?
Ans:A network interface card (NIC)is a device that makes physical connection between two different

p.Differentiate between client-server and peer-to-peer network.
Ans: The differences between client-server and peer-to-peer network are:-
It is one of the popular model, which consist of at least one server and one or more workstation.
It is a group of computers which function equally as server and work stations.
It is suitable for small offices, schools etc.
It is suitable for large organization.

q.How many levels of heading are there?
Ans: There are 6 levels of heading provided by HTML.

r.What is Internet?
Ans: A Internet is network of network.

s.What is HTML?
Ans: HTML is a markup language recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to develop sites.Tim Berners Lee invented it in 1990.

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