Sunday, October 4, 2015

1. What is a web browser?
Ans: Web browser is a software thst is used to see the information of the web page.

2. Give any two example web browser.

Ans: The two examples of web browser are:-
        - Internet Explorer
        - Mozilla firefox

3. Differentiate between singular tag and paired tag.

Ans: The differences between singular and paired tag are:-
         Singular tag:
        1. The tag which does not have closing tag is singular tag.
        2. Examples: Text <Br> Text

         Paired tag:

        1. The tag is said to be paired tag if it is written with the opening and closing tag.
        2. Examples: <B> Bold Text </B> is a paired tag.

4. Write the functions of:

       - <P>
   Ans: This tag is used to break the paragraph.
       - <U>
   Ans: This tag is used to underline the text.
       - <B>
   Ans: This tag is used to display the text in bold face.
       - <Sub>
   Ans: This tag is used to display the text just below the normal line.
       - <Sup>
   Ans: This tag is used to display the text just above the normal line.
       - <I>
   Ans: It is used to display a text in italics.
       - <BR>
   Ans: It is used to break the line.

5. What is attributes?

Ans: Attributes are the properties of tags, which are used to provide additional information to the browser.

6. Write the attributes of BODY tag.

Ans: The BODY tag of attributes are:-
    1. BGCOLOR
    3. TEXT

7. What is utility software?

Ans: Utility software is a set of programs called system software, which helps users in system maintenance tasks.

8. What is operating system?

Ans: Operating system is an integrated set of programs that controls the resources of the computer system and provide its users with an interface.

9. What is compiler?

Ans: A compiler is a system software, which translates a high-level language program into its equivalentmachine language program.

10. What is interpreter?

Ans: An interpreter is a system software which translates a program written in a high level language to its equivalent machine level language one instruction at a time.

11. What is software?

Ans: A program or a set of programs of a computer is called software.

12. What is device driver?

Ans: Device driver is a computer software that controls a particular type of device.

13. Write down the function of system software.

Ans: The functions of system software are:-
       1. It supports the development of other application software.
       2. It supports the execution of other application software. 
       3. It monitors the effective use of various hardware resources, such as CPU,memory,peripherals.     
       4. It communicates and controls the operations of peripheral devices such as printers,disk,tape.

14. Write the function of operating system?

Ans: The function of operating system are:- 
      1. It takes care of the effective and efficient utilization of all the hardware and software 
          components of the computer.
      2. It provides it's user with an interface.
      3. It controls the resources of the computers.

15.What is file?

Ans: A file is a collection of related information under a single name.

16. What is Apllication software? Give example.

Ans: Application software is a set of program designed to do specific jobs such as producing electricity bills.

17.Write down the fullforms:-

     - ICT
  Ans: Information Communication Technology
     - POP
  Ans: Post Office Protocol
     - LAN
  Ans: Local Area Network
     - MAN
  Ans: Metropolitan Area Network
     - WAN
   Ans: Wide Area Network
     - HTTP
   Ans: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
     - TCP/IP
   Ans: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
     - HTML
    Ans: Hypertext Markup Language
     - CUI
    Ans: Character User Interface
     - GUI
    Ans: Graphic User Interface
     - NIC
    Ans: Network Interface Card
     - IPX/SPX
     Ans: Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange
     - NetBEUI
     Ans: NetBIOS Extended User Interface

19. Write down the commands to perform the following tags.

    1. To create a text file named DAD.TXT under C:drive.
    2. To display the contents of DAD.TXT file of C:drive. 
   Ans: C:\> TYPE DAD.TXT
    3. To merge the contents of "Test1.txt" and "Test2.txt" to "merged.txt". 
   Ans: C:\> COPY Test1.txt test2.txt merged.txt.
    4. To copy all files where the file name starts with "A" from C:drive to the B:drive.
   Ans: C:\> COPY A*.*B.
    5. To display the MS-DOS version of your computer. 
   Ans: C:\> VER

20. Write down the functions of the following MS-DOS commands.

    1. C:\> DATE 
   Ans: It displays the current system date  and  allows to change if necessary.

    2. C:\> DIR A:\SCHOOL\A*.BAS

   Ans: It displays all the files whose first letter starts with A having BAS as extension of subdirectory    school of A drive from C:drive.

    3. C:\ VER

   Ans: It displays the current DOS version.

    4. C:\> DEL B???.TXT 

   Ans: It delets all the files whose first letter starts with B followed by three characters having extension Txt of Cdrive.

    5. C:\> PROMPT $O$T 

   Ans: It changes the MS-DOS prompt "Wed 08/26/2015 11:35:11:20.

    6. C:\> DISK COPY A:B:

   Ans: It makes the duplicate disk of drive A to the disk on drive B. 

21. What is booting?List its types.

   Ans: The process of loading the MS-DOS system files into the computer's memory is called 
booting.The types of booting are:-
           - Cold boot 
           - Warm boot

22. Write down the functions of the following MS-DOS commands.

    1. CHK DSK
   Ans: The function of CHK DSK command is to check and display the status report of the disk.

   2. TREE

  Ans: The function of TREE command is to display  the tree structure of a disk content.


  Ans: The function of FORMAT command is to format a disk and prepare a disk for use.

   4. REN

   Ans: The function of REN command is to change the old file name to a new name.

   5. DIR

   Ans: The function of DIR command is to display files, directories amd sub directories of the disk.

   6. DEL

   Ans: The function of DEL command is to delete a file or group of files from the disk.

   7. COPY

   Ans: The function of COPY command is to copy a file or files from one drive to another or in different directories in the same.

23. Write short note on Information Technology.

   Ans: The technology of the computerthat is used to input data, process it to produce an output and store it in a storage device is called information technology. The term is commonly used as a synonym for computer and computer networks, but it also include other information distribution technologies such as radio and telephone.

24. Differentiate between packaged and tailored software.

    Ans: The difference between packaged and tailored software are:-
    Packaged software:
     1. A generalized set of programs, which performs a specific data processing task for varieties of  
     2. It is designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of users for any particular type of work.
     3. Example- MS Word, MS-Excel, MS-Access.

    Tailored software:

     1. A specialized set of programs which performs a specific individuals or organizations.
     2. It is designed to meet the specific requirements of an individual or an organization.
     3. Example- Result processing software of the SLC Board e.t.c.

25. What is Assembler?

   Ans: An assembler is a type of language translator software that translates an assembly language program to its equivalent machine language.

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